
COVID-19 has wreaked havoc with our Social Projects Eswatini

The COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc with our Social Projects Eswatini. The NCPs supported by All Out Africa has lost all the vibe and oomph they contained before the pandemic took over. Infectious laughter, hugging, and running around of happy little souls were always the order of the day. All this beautiful mood has since died out and left worried and lost souls hidden under face masks.

With the school closure, children have been left with no choice but to stay home and only visit the NCPS daily to get meals not only for themselves but also for other family members. Without a word being said, their eyes speak nothing but appreciation for the meal, despite that the menu hardly changes as this is the only meal received per day for most of them.

Our NCP children receiving a well balanced meal

Our NCP children receiving a well-balanced meal.

The organization has also not been spared from the effects of COVID-19, as more than 50% of the staff members had to be laid off due to lack of funding to sustain their employment. At least the much- needed hunger relief project has grown dramatically and is getting food to those who need it most. Although the sports program continues, with the tragic loss of Menzi Masina it has been a challenge to pick up where he left off.

The late sports development coordinator Menzi with NCP children

The late sports development coordinator Menzi with NCP children

Activities have also been adjusted to meet the covid-19 requirements. While doing ad-hoc visits in the various communities, one cannot help but realize how hard these vulnerable communities have been hit.

All Out Africa staff doing food deliveries to the affected families

All Out Africa staff making food deliveries to the affected families

Women are seen selling wares with no one to buy since most people lost jobs and that no tourists are visiting the country. This activity also puts these women at risk of contracting Coronavirus and as such, the NCP is informed daily by a community member that has unfortunately been lost to COVID-19 and All Out Africa is constantly engaged on how the children who are left with no parents can be assisted. The media has been left with nothing much to report on except for the increased cases of gender-based violence, child labour, teenage pregnancy, and malnutrition. This has come to expose the role played by schools and teachers in society, it helps society make informed decisions.

NCP Teacher handing over pens.

NCP Teacher handing over pencils.

Investing in education is the best response to the uncertainty that will grip our world for many months or perhaps years to come. We are hopeful of schools opening up again soon and our NCPs becoming fully operational again. We greatly look forward to when volunteers can once again travel to assist in these projects.

To apply for this project, or talk about how you can get involved, please email

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One thought on “COVID-19 has wreaked havoc with our Social Projects Eswatini

  1. Cecilia Eggleston says:

    Hi Kim, Eunice, Michael. So hard to read all you are going through at the moment. So glad that you are still going. My prayers are with you all. One of the best times in my life, being with you all!

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