
January’s Volunteers – A bubbly and energized group!

With January tending to be the more calm of the months in our year at All Out Africa, January 2015 has really been the opposite of the norm. We have had the opportunity of hosting what could be the most energized and bubbly group of volunteers to walk through All Out’s doors.

They have made such great headway with their building project at our Bethany Neighbourhood Care Point (NCP), managing to complete the plastering and painting of the store room, as well as completing the perimeter fence for the NCP. This fence had been an incredibly crucial project as this will allow them to “gate-off” the surrounding property. This means that they will be able to grow vegetables to feed and sustain the children without roaming wildlife and domestic animals from neighbouring properties helping themselves to their veggie patch. For many of the children their largest and sometimes only meal of the day comes when they are at the NCP, so sustainable food sources is of incredible importance

We have had such an array of ages and backgrounds this January! We had a group within the group in the Rogers family, Julieanne and Wayne who here here with their sons Lucas and Joel whose strength when it came to lugging the large fence-poles around never ceased to amaze.

Sue Hillman, who runs a tour based business in London, has been spectacular and stands as a reminder to the group that volunteer travel is not just for gap-year students!

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