
Meet The Volunteers- Oulund Todsen Family

Where are you from?


What project did you sign up for?

Brian: Building

Camilla and kids: Sports education

What do you do for a living?

Brian: Building consultant

Camilla: High school teacher (biology and sports-science)

What does volunteering mean to you?

Making a difference for people in need, and in this case, as a bonus, experiencing and learning about another country and culture.

Reason for choosing All Out Africa?

Inspired by the information we were given by our travel agency, Travel Alott. As a family with 2 kids, we thought it was meaningful to work with and help, other kids.

Your experience as a volunteer, did it had any positive impact on your life?

Travelling and experiencing other countries and cultures, will almost always have long term positive impact. It is in our opinion essential, in order to learn and understand the world we live in. Through volunteering for All Out Africa, we were given the privilege of meeting many local people, hearing their story and learning about their life. Yes, we as Europeans, have many privileges, but do we live a happier life? Not necessarily!


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