
Meet the team – Bandile Dlamini

Bandile Dlamini

At All Out Africa, there are many things that set us apart. One of them is our fantastic team! That’s why we decided it was time to sit down with our staff and have them answer a few fun questions about why they love what they do!

Today we are chatting with Bandile Dlamini also known as Mzo, our Sports Development assistant coordinator, Bandile is passionate about sports and through my developing years, I have been fortunate enough to be introduced to different sports activities, which is a great fit for what he does! Find out more below.

What is your favorite thing about your job?

Is to be with kids, play and change their lives through sports.

When was a time you thought to yourself “wow, I love what I do”?

When all the kids from our NCP gather to compete for Positive Sports Day.

Where is your favorite local hangout?

It has to be at the sports center.

When you’re not changing the world, what do you do for fun?

I am an outdoor person so if I am not changing the world, Simise who is part of our fantastic team and I normally go hiking.

When you wake up in the morning what do you look forward to the most?

To try something NEW!!

If you had a superpower, what would it be?

Flying lol… But on a serious note, I would love to have powers that can allow me to give every child in the world an opportunity to participate in sports.

If you were a volunteer with All Out Africa, what program or tour would you sign up for? (and why?)

 I will definitely sign up for Kruger to Cape program because I will get a chance to visit all the countries.

NCP children competing.

NCP children competing during Sports Positive day.

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