While sipping my first cup of tea this morning, my morning fix, LinkedIn notifications pop up on my phone screen. My initial thought was that I must have received a ton of replies from a comment I made in one of my connection’s posts.
As I browse through the Linkedin app, I began reading, congratulations messages from my connections and it registered late that this month is my official 3rd anniversary working for All Out Africa. A big thanks to all of you who sent me a quick note, I appreciate all of the kind words.
I started reflecting on my experience working at All Out Africa, and I realized how my work anniversary is a bigger deal to me than I thought. I remember my first day at work as a photography intern, my heart was beating, pulse racing, nerves ticking as I entered the threshold of what would be my workplace the next three years. 2018 to be precise, I was young and full of great expectations. I worked very hard that year and to my surprise, I was promoted to be a Marketing Assistant and Team Leader. I was assigned to create content for All Out Africa and do other marketing tasks under the supervision of Ginger Green who was the Marketing Coordinator then.

Simise with volunteers planting a tree during World Environment Day
During my experience at All Out Africa, I have learned that progress does not stand still and living within your purpose is not easy but it is all worth it. I am thankful that the company provided me with opportunities for self-development. So, my everyday advice is to use every opportunity to do your work to the best of your ability and choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.
Before I drop the microphone I would like to thank the All Out Africa Team, Ginger, all the international volunteers who contributed immensely to my career and lastly I will forever be grateful to Kim and Robs Roques as they have given me the head start towards my career.
I thank you.
Written by Simise Masilela, Marketing and Donations Coordinator