
Meet the volunteers-Juliette Hulshof

Where are you from?

Hi! I am Juliette Hulshof, from the Netherlands.

What project did you sign up for?

I signed up for the Kruger to Coast project. I participated for 6 weeks and in the mornings I helped the youngest kids with sports. We danced, we sang and we played a lot!! We did some competitions to challenge the kids. In the afternoon I helped older children with their homework. English, reading, maths, science and chemistry. when we were done with that, there was time for games with the other children. 

What do you do for a living?

I have a gap year and I work at a restaurant. I finished high school and I wanted to see more of this beautiful world! I will start with the rest of my school career in September 2020. 

What does volunteering mean to you?

It means a lot, it makes me so happy that I can help people. The smiles on their faces, it’s beautiful! Happy to help making other people happy too!

Reason for choosing All Out Africa?

I actually signed up via Activity International, a Dutch company, so I didn’t really choose for All Out Africa. That doesn’t mean I am not happy that my trip was organized by AOA. Everyone was so nice and lovely!!

Your experience as a volunteer, did it had any positive impact in your life?

Yes it had! I am more grateful for the things I have in life. Yes, you can be happy, even if you don’t have everything you want. I still think a lot about my trip and it makes me smile every single time. The pictures, the memories, everything!I don’t regret a moment of my experience!
Want to know more about our SPORTS DEVELOPMENT email bookings@alloutafrica.com

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