As a child I always cherished the December holidays, especially the latter days of this festive month, that we grew up knowing that it’s Christmas holidays. I would enjoy the family gatherings, feasting and that moment when it was time to open the Christmas presents.
Enough about one’s Christmas month upbringing and let me share what a wonderful morning I had with our NCP children, spreading around all our 8 Neighbourhood Care Points. As an All Out Africa staff member, my colleagues and I managed to create an amazing Christmas spirit atmosphere with a for these less privilege children that we Love and Support.
With the traditional Christmas spirit “roaming in the air”, we felt that the prefect venue to hold this year’s children Christmas party would be a place called “Mantenga Cultural Village”, which has great Swazi traditional values and cultural experience. The cultural village is located in a peri-urban area in Ezulwini, an area centered between our NCPs’, so logistically it was the perfect venue.
What an awesome decision our team made in securing this venue because all our NCP children and majority of the NCP teachers ventured into a cultural exploration that they had not experienced before. Seeing those faces when we entered these grounds, made one’s emotional nerve feel a kind of “pain of happiness”, if that makes sense, which obviously made me smile throughout the morning.
The incorporation of a cultural village, where Swazi history, culture and traditional dance is brought alive for visitors was just awesome to see and watch. We all had a great time and most importantly the children make it even more especial for us as an All Out Africa, community outreach project team.
Written by Tjengisa Dlamini, Social Projects Coordinator