Where are you from?
Hi, my name is Lisa and I’m from the Netherlands.
What project did you sign up for?
I signed up for the Kruger to Coast (6 weeks). While I was in Swaziland I did the childcare project, to help at the local NCPs. I helped the teachers out and played with the children. Which they really liked (me too) ????. While I was there, there was a school holiday. So for a week, I made drawings and posters, that they could hang at the new NCP’s that they were building.
What do you do for a living?
Well, I had a gap year. And in my gap year, I first worked at a restaurant. But most of the time I worked with elderly people with Alzheimer. I cooked for them, spent time with them and just made their day a lot better. Now I am going to study Tourism Management.
What does volunteering mean to you?
Volunteering means for me that I can help (or try to help) people who need it. It is not for my own benefit, but for others. It also means stepping out of my comfort zone by meeting new people, travelling alone to the other side of the world, doing things I’ve never done before and overcoming my fears. My volunteering experience was very valuable to me and I will never forget it. It is really worth it.
Reason for choosing All Out Africa?
At first, I didn’t even know I would be travelling with All Out Africa. Because I booked the journey at their Dutch partner organization (Activity International). Afterwards, I am so happy that I travelled with All Out Africa because the staff was kind and very helpful. The location was beautiful and most of the things were well organized.
Your experience as a volunteer, did it had any positive impact on your life?
Yes, it really had a positive impact on my life. I think I appreciate more what I have here in the Netherlands. I was able to help people, I really want to continue that in the future. I also want to inspire other people to do volunteer work, because it is so valuable. The children, people and the overall experience made me see what is really important in life.
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