Where are you from?
I am from The Netherlands, I live near Amsterdam
What project did you sign up for?
Kruger to coast (4 weeks)
What do you do for a living?
I am currently on a gap year and I want to study Tourism ????
What does volunteering mean to you?
That is such a tough question, in my own understanding volunteering is about giving your time and skills, for the benefit of others, the local community and very importantly yourself. It was so special to make the kids happy and do something for someone else. I learned a lot from this experience.
Reason for choosing All Out Africa?
It was recommended by the agency I signed in.
Your experience as a volunteer, did it had any positive impact on your life?
I have learned so much from this experience, I am starting to see life differently and most importantly, what I took from this trip is that always appreciate what you have! There is always someone out there who wishes they had what you have. This experience has a great impact on my life. I appreciate everything so much more and my problems are not that big anymore.
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