
Marine Giants: A Marine Biology Student Adventure

My name is Jorge Sitoe; I am Mozambican, 31 years old and marine biology student. 

Is always a pleasure to be with different people around the world, it is amazing opportunity to learn and teach about marine life and culture of Mozambique.

It was my first and fantastic journey as a part of the All out Africa Marine Research Center team to work on World Challenge in Mozambique to follow and lead the activities planned to our students.

It has been an incredible experience to be able to transmit the work that has been done in conservation and research in Mozambique and in particular in relation to the marine giants.

The greatest satisfaction was seeing our visitors enthused with the activities we have developed, from the ocean safari, which was the great moment for our student. Some of them were the first time having the possibility of interacting with the marine giants. It was amazing to see the face of happiness is his first interaction with whale shark, dolphins, manta rays, humpback whales, turtle, shark and many reef fish.

The collection of data in our ocean safari, the humpback whales monitoring in the top of dunes over the micro plastics sample in the beach, has contributed to making our database more robust.

We have a young and dynamic team, responsible and ready to respond to the challenge of each adventure journey.

Written by Jorge Sithole, Marine Research & Whale Shark Conservation Intern (Local)

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