
Home Of Hope – South Africa Childcare Volunteer Story

iKhaya le Themba – home of hope. And it’s definitely a home of hope. – for the children, the teachers, and the volunteers. I’ve been there for one month and it was indescribable how many power the children gave me. They welcomed us since the very first moment and included us in their community.

Even though it was winter in South Africa the children always made my heart melt and the sunshine. They once again opened my eyes about the beauty of life and that the littlest things in life can have the biggest meaning. One hug or one true smile can change a lot. The attitude and the positivity of the children about the world really inspired me. I’ve never seen such a great community with so much love. They have shown me how easy it is instead of working against each other working together and giving hands.

The goal in life is to be happy and appreciate the little things in life. I wish that the children and the whole community of iKhaya le themba always believe in their dreams and never lose their beautiful smiles! Thanks for the amazing experience and I’m sure we’ll see each other again <3


If you would like to participate on Lisa’s project in South Africa click here!

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