
Meet The Team – Michael

At All Out Africa, there are many things that set us apart. One of them is our fantastic team! That’s why we decided it was time to sit down with our staff and have them answer a few fun questions about why they love what they do!

Today we are interviewing Michael, our Building Project Coordinator! Michael is always full of laughs and never afraid to get his hands dirty. Here is a bit more about him…


What is your favourite thing about your job?

I love teaching the volunteers how to work like a Swazi! Its fun watching them learn our traditional building techniques, and watch a structure come up.


When was a time you thought to yourself “wow, I love what I do!”

In 2010 I said “wow” when a volunteer took interest in a special water system project I was developing. The volunteer raised a donation to complete the entire project! What a success!


Where is your favourite local hang out?

I love spending time with the volunteers at Lidwala, the lodge where the volunteers stay. It has such a relaxing vibe and is a great place to chat and learn about our different cultures ( or nap in the hammocks 🙂


When you’re not changing the world, what do you do for fun?

When I’m not out in the field building things, I love playing soccer. If i’m lucky I even get to play with a few local legends!


When you wake up in the morning what do you look forward to most?

I love working with the different volunteers. Not many people can say they have friends from all over the world!


If you had a super power what would it be?

I would be a hip-hop star. I can’t sing, so I would want to ability to rap in front of large crowds of people.


If you were a volunteer with AOA, what program or tour would you sign up for? (and why?)

Building of course! You can actually see how you are contributing to the communities for years to come!

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