At All Out Africa, there are many things that set us apart. One of them is our fantastic team! That’s why we decided it was time to sit down with our staff and have them answer a few fun questions about why they love what they do!
Today we are highlighting Behlule our Assistant Sports Coordinator! Behlule has been a part of the AOA family for FIVE YEARS! His energy on the field, in the office and in the dance circle is outstanding- here is more about him!
What is your favourite thing about your job?
I am lucky that I do what I love the most, SPORTS! I also love the fact that I can help develop young kids with fundamental life skills, through sports. Its awesome.
When was a time you thought to yourself “wow, I love what I do!”
The first time I organised a soccer tournament that had over 300 kids playing in one day! I realised I love what I do and seeing the smiles on the faces of these kids was so awesome.
There is also an “adventure” part of my job, that is so much refreshing!
Where is your favourite local hang out?
The National Football Association Technical Centre! I spend most of my time here, as it’s the place with all the things and equipment I love to use!
When you’re not changing the world, what do you do for fun?
Watching football on TV and reading novels. I love to read and watch football as it helps me develop my coaching skills.
When you wake up in the morning what do you look forward to most?
I look forward to changing lives and bringing smiles to the kids we work with. Also, to have fun and discover new ideas through working with our volunteers from all over the globe.
If you had a super power what would it be?
I would love to have the power to read people’s minds….
If you were a volunteer with AOA, what program or tour would you sign up for? (and why?)
Kruger to Cape! It’s a lovely package deal and offers way more in terms of social work AND adventure! And obviously… I would also book to volunteer with the Sports Development program 🙂