Everyone wishes they could be the type of person to get out of the office and get caught up in the adventure of wanderlust. But there is always something coming up at work, a new semester starting at work, or maybe the funds are just too tight. We say “maybe one day”, and go on with our lives. There may never be the perfect time for a trip across the globe, but in our opinion, the pro’s always outweigh the cons. A little adventure can set you down a whole new path in life, and give you that little kick start that you need.
The world is full of different cultures, perspectives and new places to see, and now is a great time to explore it! Take a chance, close your eyes and jump, and adventure is sure to find you!
Here are the top 7 reasons we think you should get packing!
Gain a New Perspective on Life
Need to take some time to figure out your next step? Life can be difficult with everyone asking questions all the time. What do you want to be when you grow up? What are you doing after school? How will you get that big promotion? Sometimes, by taking the fork in the road, you are able to open yourself to meeting new people, seeing how others live, and have some time for self-reflection. It’s amazing how a little space, suddenly can make things clearer.
You might discover that wealth is not the key to happiness or that you find satisfaction in doing something you’ve never tried before. You might also find that the problems you are experiencing back home are nothing compared to what others endure on a daily basis, helping you establish what’s really important.
While traveling can open up hundreds of doors for you, it can also help you to whittle down what it is that makes you truly happy and fulfilled as a human being.
Be Inspired
There’s something to inspire you around every corner. It might be through people you meet and their ideas about the world or it may be a particular destination that gets you thinking differently.
Perhaps your creative interests are inspired by local artistic traditions or your humanitarian spirit is ignited by the volunteer work being done by others. As long as you travel abroad with an open mind and heart, you just never know what is going to leave a lasting impression on you.
Restart & Relax
Whether it is due to personal relationships, study pressures or your career, sometimes life can become stressful and it may seem like the cloud will never lift. Travel abroad is a great way to get that release by transporting yourself away from whatever it is that is burdening you or leading to anxiety.
It’s a great opportunity to take a break from your cell phone and social media to be completely in the moment and the transformative benefits of travel. It might be lying on an idyllic beach, hiking to the top of a mountain or living within a different cultural community, with every traveler finding peace and rejuvenation their own way.
Break Down Stereotypes
In a world where the media bombards us with bad news stories about different regions of the world, travel is one of the best ways you can break down stereotypes and discover the truth for yourself. Perhaps you want to see that there’s more to Africa than poverty and famine or maybe you want to explore the vast wildlife and see animals in their natural habbitats.
In most instances, you’ll discover that the headlines on international newspapers offer only one perspective of a destination when there’s so much more to it.
Discover New Cultures
One of the most eye-opening aspects of traveling abroad is experiencing new cultures and ways of life, particularly within communities that you have built up a particular idea about in your own mind. It may likewise be inspiring to meet people who have less than you, but have more optimism and since of community than you have ever experienced.
Meeting with people, sharing a meal and talking is the best way to break down barriers and see things from their perspective. You are sure to learn just as much along your journey to help others.
Build Confidence
Stepping outside of your comfort zone is one of the most challenging parts of traveling abroad, particularly if you are heading off alone. But it’s also one of the most rewarding aspects as it helps to build your confidence and independence.
You’ll probably do things you never thought you would do and overcome hurdles you thought impossible. This new found confidence will help you build stronger personal relationships and career prospects when you return home, with the ability to take on whatever life throws at you.
Make Fast Friends
From like-minded travelers to friendly locals and expats with wild stories, travel opens up the world for some meaningful connections and life-long friendships. You might come across people who have turned travel into a lifestyle and are constantly on the road, as well as those who have left their native homeland to make a life somewhere else for personal or humanitarian purposes.
Travel abroad is a refreshing way to increase your network, particularly if you’ve grown up with the same group of friends since childhood. These new connections will undoubtedly inspire you when it comes to seeing what is possible in life and the rewards of taking the road less traveled.
Blog inspired with the help of our friends at https://www.buildabroad.org/2017/08/17/travel-abroad/