
Teacher training: kicking off 2017!

As we gathered in this small room with these talented, thoughtful, enthusiastic group of 7 teachers. We crammed this small room which we call our “boardroom”. Though with different character’s, from quiet to cheeky but surprisingly they just clicked from the word go and they worked together sharing ideas as we went on with our teacher training. We had FUN!! While learning.

This teacher training initiative was to try to empower our volunteer teachers who work at the 6 neighbourhood care points (NCP’s) that we support. Our dream as All Out Africa is to turn these NCP’s into formal pre-schools, hence Early Childhood Care Education (ECCE) is a crucial stage in a child’s development. The training was not only to empower the teachers but also because the children deserve quality ECCE as the saying goes- Great teachers create great students!

These women persevere as they work against all odds under limited resources but because of the passion they have for the children they are still with us, so this training is to mentor and coach them in order to succeed in what they already do. I was joined by a volunteer in her 50’s from England her name is Cecilia. She made things so easy with her flamboyant character and loads of energy. She always brought this vava voom in the room while teaching us songs for music and movement. When the teachers lost focus she was quickly able to bring them back on track.
After 4 days of training the NCP teachers were awarded with certificates by the founder (Kim) they were so proud. Looking forward to 2017 and watching them further develop all that they have learnt whilst they were in the classroom!

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